
by - Maret 07, 2013

"all of those things might be horrifiying and look really bad for you right now. But afterwards, after you’ve gone through all, you’d look back and you’d smile remembering them."
-Me, to myself 

I keep sinking those words to my head in order to stay positive. I guess I'm making things screwed and messed up everything these days. Don't know why, I'm lack of excitement to do anything. 

Ah, yes. I was read someone's blog and found this: Curcol itu bikin enak, cari dukungan, cari orang sepaham. TAPI TIDAK MENYELESAIKAN MASALAH DAN TIDAK MEMBANGUN KITA.
Jlebb. Ha-ha. I'm all got offended just a moment after I stare at those words. They're soooooo RIGHT! I curcol too much, and that's not even solve any problem but increase my selfishness to proving that I'm right to others. Yes, I'm worst I know.
So, enough of the 'menye-menye' times. I have to focus and back on my track. I know I can. I can do anything I want and I have to urgeing myself to finished what I should. Because who's left in my life after all? Me. Just myself. Indeed.

I'm growing up. I'm moving forward, let the past just pass.

I know I'm not good enough, but from now on, I won't take every problems as a matters to me. It's the steps of life. I will keep being good, and try to always doing good deeds to others. I want to be a lighter in the darkness. 

Never doubt when you do true goodness.

Give. Share. Sacrifice.
Let go. The balance book of life will always sorts out.
You may not know when, you may not know how, and it may not be coming back to you but to another person, but it will never be for nothing.

Just like a song I love says, "God knows we're worth it."

Happy March! :)))


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