by - Januari 01, 2014

Every little thing has its end, and with that ends, another things has begin.

well then, Happy New Year!!!! :D

Another 365 days have passed. Waaaah... pasti hampirs emua orang akan bilang, "cepet banget yah udah pergantian tahun lagi?"

Yes... What we've been done? what we've gone through?

Jadi, pada hari pertama di tahun yang baru ini saya menghabiskan waktu untuk me-recall what have I done in my life last year.

Each of us surely got different lives, but one thing that makes we're all the same is... we're growing older. we, technically spend every second growing older. And by any means, we constantly changing. Nggak ada yang sama, either diri kita, lingkungan, kebutuhan, keinginan, mimpi, cita-cita, masalah, dan hidup itu sendiri.

Million things happened, plenty of them teach me precious lessons. Because change, breakdowns, disappointments, are inescapable but also indispensable. Saya sering ngerasa gini, kok ada aja ya masalah yang dateng? Kok gini lagi, gini lagi ya? But then I realized, Whenever we are unable to solve a problem that comes in our lives and take the lessons we should learn out of it, the problem will keep coming back. Not to mention, when it comes back, the “size” would be much bigger than before. The problem will keep coming back because it forces us to learn the lessons it brings. And that way, taught me a lot. :)

Saya belajar banyak, saya belajar lagi, dan saya masih harus belajar.

Million other things give me bunch of happiness. Saya belajar untuk bersyukur atas apa yang Tuhan kasih buat saya. Saya dikasih umur sampai sekarang, masih punya kedua orang tua yang Alhamdulillah sehat, adik yang masih bisa saya lihat tumbuh dan berkembang, masih bisa makan dengan cukup, hidup dengan nyaman, dengan semua nikmat yang Tuhan nggak henti-hentinya kasih. And what can I ask for more? Belum lagi saya dikelilingi orang-orang yang sangat baik dan hebat. I'm blessed for surrounded with nice people who are smart, driven and likeminded. Having friends who I'm proud to know, people I admire, who love and respect me, people who make my day a little brighter simply by being in it. That's so much bring the positive energy for my life. :D

Itu semua memotivasi saya untuk bisa menjadi lebih baik lagi, berbuat lebih banyak, dan nggak pernah lupa untuk selalu bersyukur.

Whether it's good or bad, happiness or sad, ups or down, I trully am grateful to Allah for giving me a precious life, until now. :) 

So, thank you so much 2013! Farewell!!!! :D

And now....

A new chapter of a new book.


Page 1: started.

What am I going to do? What would I do for living? What are my hopes, and dreams? What is my goal?

I am going to be much better version of myself, I want to always do good deeds for others, I want to spread love, I want to bring smile and happiness. Saya pengen bisa bermanfaat, untuk diri saya dan orang-orang disekitar saya. Saya pengen lebih deket sama Tuhan. I want to make all the best thing out of me.

For I just have one life, so I'm gonna live it to the fullest.

Saya punya banyak keinginan, harapan, dan cita-cita yang pengen saya capai. Dan akan banyak pula mimpi-mimpi baru yang terus bermunculan nantinya. One certain thing is, goal saya satu, jannah di akhirat nantinya. And in order to pursue it, my dreams would be the stairways.

Saya nggak mau mengkhawatirkan apapun lagi, karena saya tau Allah udah menggariskan semuanya di Lauhul Mahfuz. Jodoh, rezeki, maut, saya hanya harus berusaha menjemputnya. Dan untuk menjemput itu, bukan berarti saya tinggal berleha-leha aja, nggak. Saya harus mulai mempersiapkan diri, untuk masa depan saya. Belajar, kuliah, lulus, kerja, membahagiakan orang tua dan keluarga, hidup mandiri... Loads of work hard I have to do. :)

AAAAAAKKK Bismillahirrahmanirrahim! :D

Satu hal yang saya bener-bener belajar:

There's plenty of times in our lives when we feel that life is too hard, too difficult, for us to go through it. The times where it seems like no one is there for us. The times where we lose all the hopes and the dreams. But as soon as we make peace with ourselves, and with what happen, we will be much, much happier. The power of being ikhlas, and accepting things as they happen. With whole-hearted faith to Allah's plan, which we call fate, it's all worth the wait. :))

Satu buku udah selesai kita tulis, satu lagi buku yang udah siap buat kita tulis. Apapun yang mewarnai buku-buku itu, akan selalu menjadi sesuatu yang berharga, tersimpan rapi di dalam memori.

Last, once again, I wish you have a very happy new year! :D


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